JACKSON, Tenn. – The City of Jackson’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day enables residents to get rid of harmful wastes and recycle items from around their homes the right way and without harming the environment.
The City of Jackson’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at 164 Conalco Drive, which is located off North Parkway between North Royal Street and Dr. F.E. Wright Drive.
Collection Day will include the collection of harmful household wastes, oil-based paint, electronic waste and prescription medications. Document shredding, cardboard recycling and smoke detector recycling will also be available.
We will not accept…latex paint, which can be dried until solid and thrown away in the regular garbage; used oil, which is accepted year-round at many places in Jackson; televisions; alkaline batteries which can be thrown in the regular trash. We also will not accept medical or infectious waste, ammunition and explosives, radioactive wastes, and any empty containers.
Very Small Quantity Generator Waste (i.e. wastes from non-household sources such as businesses, schools, farms, churches, etc.) is acceptable by appointment only. Call 615-643-3170 to request a price quote and schedule an appointment.
This is a free opportunity for residents to do their part to help keep harmful wastes out of our landfills and stormwater system and to participate in recycling programs within our community. This event is open for all surrounding counties.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day is sponsored by City of Jackson Stormwater Management Department, City of Jackson Health and Sanitation Department, Omega Recycling Solutions, Direct Shred, Jackson Madison County Metro Narcotics, Jackson Fire Department, and Doxicom Recycling. Hazardous waste disposal costs are paid for by Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. Volunteer services will be provided by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Gamma Alpha Omega and Beta Chi Chapters.
For more information, visit http://stormwater.jacksontn.gov or call 731-425-8220.